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Fat Duck Tees. First. Blog. Ever.


Welcome to Duck Talk - our first official blog.

First and foremost, let us give an introduction and meaning to our brand Fat Duck Tees. Fat Duck is about attitude; a way of feeling or state of mind. That attitude, or duckitude, is about living life with resilience and optimism, living life in the present, displaying duckiness, and feeling ducky.

A well-fed duck, or Fat Duck, moves as its own pace, quacks the loudest and asserts its independence and self-determination. Point being, a Fat Duck has ATTITUDE, and one’s attitude should be a reflection of their state of mind, their feelings, their likes and dislikes and whatever is important to them.

Since t-shirts are an everyday commodity and worn by all most everyone, we figured Fat Duck Tees was the perfect brand. Your t-shirt should be a reflection of you – your likes, something you are passionate about or something that says something about you. Let your shirt do your talkin’. WEAR YOU. BE YOU. 

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FB: https://www.facebook.com/fatducktees/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fatducktees/

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